Adrian’s bed

Adrian is in love with his own room and his own little bed in there.  He always naps in his bed when he’s home and lately has been wanting to go to sleep in there at night too.  He’s never actually slept in there at night because he’s always been to excited about it to fall asleep!  Last night though, he did it.  He cried when I tried to take him to bed in our bed, saying “Adrian’s bed, Adrian’s bed in my room…”  So we put him to bed in his own bed and that’s where he slept!  For a few hours at least, until he cried and I came and brought him into our big bed.  I was pretty sad about it, didn’t know what to do.  Dylan was thrilled though!

What else is new…not a whole lot that I can think of.  Adrian still doesn’t tell me when he has to go potty, but he’s pretty good about holding it in until potty time.  He knows when the timer goes off that it’s time to go in and use the pot and he usually does.  He still prefers to poop standing up, but that’s fine too.  Dylan’s truck is in the body shop getting fixed from a few years ago.  We’re planning on selling my car next month, then next year we’ll sell Dylan’s truck and get a family car.  So looks like we’ll be bussing, biking, and walking a lot more now!  It’s good for us though, and certainly good for our finances and the environment, so it’s worth it.  Plus, Adrian LOVES taking the bus.  He asks for it almost every day!

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April 2008